"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." - Mark Twain

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Cappadocia or bust! - Thursday 10.28.10

I am currently sitting on the Guney Ekspresi - an 18 hour overnight train from Istanbul to Kayseri, Turkey. A few hours ago Jill and I were on our way to Best Buy to buy printer ink when we decided to stop in the main Istanbul train station. We have a long weekend this week thanks to Turkey's national holiday - Republic Day 10/29. As it's necessary to get out of packed Istanbul every few weeks for some space and fresh air, the Cappadocia region was our ideal destination.

Around 3pm we bought a 50 lira train ticket to the city of Kayseri - located smack dab in the center of this massive country. After handing the ticket man our money he so politely informed us that the train we had to catch would not be leaving from that particular train station but from a station an hour and a half away - via ferry - in 3 hours. Jill and I like to fly by the seat of our pants! Things immediately became very hectic and we are still out of printer ink!

Frantically, we hurried home to shower (not sure when the next one's coming), packed the essentials and headed back out to begin our spur of the moment adventure. Mind you - the only thing we have planned so far is this train. We managed to find the ferry to Haydarpasa train station with no problems. Of course, we then almost missed the stop and had to jump from the ferry boat onto land as it pulled away (safety isn't a main concern in this country) - but we also arrived at the station with 2 hours to spare. Maybe the man who sold us our tickets knew we are habitually running late because the ferry took 30 minutes rather than 90 as told. We're on time for the important things Mr. ticket man!

So far everything minus the bathroom situation is looking good on the Guney Ekspresi. Let's just say when I had to go I didn't look down through the hole in the floor to see clear blue toilet bowl water, but the train tracks...and it's chilly outside! Otherwise, Jill and I have a little room all to ourselves that is actually quite cozy. There is a sink, a mini fridge, and 2 bunk beds that fold out from the wall. I read about this particular train in research earlier this week so I knew there would not be a restaurant car. We came prepared with the essential survival snacks: cookies, crackers, diet coke, and water. OH and we just finished a bottle of red wine :) I'm cuddled up on the top bunk ready to hit the hay and will be waking up in Central Turkey around lunchtime tomorrow. Life's an adventure!! XO

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