"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." - Mark Twain

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Adventures of a Turkey Roadtrip - Sunday 10.10.10

My last post left Jill and I in our rental car, parked on a side street in Turkey near the Izmir airport. We had to wake up a few times through out the night to turn the car on to warm it up - one of those times I put on most of the clothes I brought with me. It's safe to assume we didn't get very good sleep that night, but sleeping from around 3 until 8am was not too bad under the circumstances...and I'm still here to tell the story! When we drove the car into the rental lot at the airport the same man who saw us leave was there to see us return. He was smiling ear-to-ear and I thought he might start clapping when we got out. It was about 50% luck and 50% miracle that we made it though roadtrip Turkey unscathed.
After a serious lack of hygene in our attempts to be thrifty over the weekend, the first stop Jill and I made in Izmir was at the hamam (turkish bath). We were both first timers. This could have ended badly, but I think we made all the right moves. First we walked into the "mens only" side. After a slight freak out when the man asked about giving us a massage, we were quickly lead over to the "womens only" side. Although the women didn't speak any English, they were helpful with actions and we figured out what to do (for the most part). An old lady scrubbed us up and sent us on our way squeeky clean. If any other first timers want tips or more details, let me know. It was a good cultural experience!
Jill and I spent the rest of the afternoon sitting at a restaurant along the water in Izmir, preparing for the week ahead. We survived our first travels through Turkey and saw some amazing sites. Roadtrip Turkey was a success! Life's an adventure!! XO

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